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June 08, 2009: Herman Miller Introduces Setu  [31-12-2008]

Introducing Setu. Its innovative kinematic spine bends and flexes to your every move. There's nothing to tilt, nothing to tweak. Setu's finely tuned elastomeric fabric provides superior suspension and conforms to your contours. It's comfort now.more on setu. visit

June 08, 2009: Herman Miller Introduces the Envelop Desk  [14-07-2009]

Envelop, when used together with a high performance work chair, including Herman Miller's Embody, Aeron and Mirra chairs, provides continuous forearm support and accommodates a reclined position, without extending visual distance to the display technology. Conversely, a traditional, static work surface provides little forearm support and eye strain when the user reclines.

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