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The Office Exhibition 2011

H2O Concepts sponsored and participated in The Office Exhibition 2011. Moving and Guialmi, two of H2O Concepts major suppliers were present during the show.

The Office Exhibition 2011

H2O Concepts sponsored and participated in The Office Exhibition 2011. Moving and Guialmi, two of H2O Concepts major suppliers were present during the show. H2O Concets logo was on all the lanyards of the office exhibition as a main sponsor. Guialmi presented the two award winning products: Middle East Design Award for the L-SYSTEM and Good Design Award for MARCIANA Shelving system.H2O Concepts, also organized the visitor competition by giving away three Moving “Cardinale” Lounge chairs, one each for everyday of the show. Visitors to the show got an opportunity to register at the competition stand to qualify for the draw which was held at the end of each day.